Vance Remick
Ok here is the one million dollar pickleball question of the day.
What is the hardest shot in pickleball??? Give up?
Here is a hint “it’s not really a shot”.
The hardest shot in pickleball is to not hit a ball that is going out of bounds and let it go by.
Follow me now, it takes more concentration and control to let a ball go by you than to quickly get your paddle up in time to hit it properly.
I watched several games today and there were at lease 3 times per game where not letting the ball go out and trying to hit it cost 2 points, Yes 2 points. First you loose the point you would have gotten by the ball going out and then you gave your opposition a point when the ball you went after goes off your paddle and is either out or set up to be put away. Two points lost in the process, a two point swing in the match. This is why it is so important to learn to let balls go by and not try to hit them. This is a real skill and it takes a lot of practice to developed the ability to back off this shot and let it go by. So practice this skill and let a few go by. If you were wrong and it dropped in it only costs you one point. If you are right you develop a feel for those out balls by working on that skill of knowing where you are in the court at all times.
Learn to hone your instinct and soon your ability to tell the difference will really change your final scores in your favor. A two stroke swing in any game can be big so work on this skill and let a few go by.
Play well, Vance
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