Damaged Fence; Stolen Equipement

By August 23, 2019 Announcements
Pickleball Enthusiasts,
Sobering news…..
Last week someone cut a five foot gap in the perimeter fence adjacent to Court #6 at Ephesus and stole a large, commercial blower valued at $2,000.00.   Americourt, our vendor for the pickleball court refurbishment project would really like the return of this equipment. We’re hoping that one or more of you who may have been visiting the courts at the time of the theft might have noticed one or more individuals involved in the disappearance of this blower. If so, you likely thought a vendor was moving it.  
So, if perchance you were just checking out the work progress at Ephesus last week and noticed someone moving a large blower or other large equipment near the three front courts please contact JB Marr at jmarr.jr@gmail.com. We’d really like to help Americourt recover their lost equipment as well as locate those responsible for damaging our court fence.
Attached you will find a photo of the damaged fence adjacent to Court #6. Also attached are two photos showing the brand and type of blower stolen.
Thanks for your help. Any information would be useful.
JB Marr
Brad Hemminger
USAPA Ambassadors

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