Vance Remick
A DABBLE is the pickleball equivalent of Cam Newton Dabbing while dribbling a pickleball. A “DABBLE”.
So what is dabbling? When you return a ball hit either soft or hard directly off the floor without swinging at it you dabble it. Imagine holding your paddle close to or on the floor perpendicular to the floor taking the shot quickly off the floor without swinging at it, just dabbling it.
The sound of this shot is the sound of a quick 1-2 that a metronome would make. Not one and two but 1-2. Quick back to back sound so the ball is taken very close to the floor and does not have time to rise very far before the paddle is contacted. When you do not swing, the momentum of the ball and angle of the paddle will return the ball over the net successfully with a lot less room for error than trying to control the speed and angle of the paddle along with the ball speed and ball bounce. This can be done anywhere on the court at any distance from the net with amazing results.
Learn this shot and you will learn how to return a hard shot at your feet, a back hand passing ball or a beautiful drop shot low over the net. Remember to listen for the quick one-two action just off the floor. This shot is easy to practice so work on it and really move your game ahead.
Practice with a partner off the court or just bounce it off a wall by yourself. Stand 5 to 8 feet apart and practice dabbling it back and forth quickly between you and the wall or partner. Take it as close to the floor as possible. Don’t swing at the ball just put your paddle in the path of the ball and let it bounce back off the paddle like in the old Video game PONG.
You can thank Cam Newton for the Dab but you will thank yourself for learning to DABBLE. If you want help next time you see me, ask and I will work with you in perfecting it.
Dabble on!
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