Vance Remick
Have you ever had one of those pickleball days? I hope you have because if you have you know what I am talking about.
Remember the scene in the movie Caddyshack where the minister has the experience while playing golf in a thunder storm? He can’t miss a shot and proceeds to play an extraordinary game where everything comes up roses. It’s very surreal and almost like an out of body experience. A day in the sun where you can do no wrong. Everything just comes up roses with very little effort.
My suggestion is that when it happens just sit back and enjoy the ride because you will also have days that are just the opposite. How you handle those extreme days should be the same, good or bad so you don’t lose your way to fulfilling your pickle potential.
Believe it or not I have many more of the bad days than the good ones and how I get through the experience is by pulling out my “B” game. It’s the game I have that is clearly not as good as my “A” game but keeps me respectable while feeling like in a big pickle– if you know what I mean.
Pickle on my friends. You can be as good as that “day in the sun.” It’s just an exhilarating glimpse of where you are heading so enjoy it–but remember–if you can enjoy the game when you are off your game, you will continue to love the game and not leave the game.
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