Vance Remick
Happy Holidays to All
Just wanted to express my profound thanks and appreciation to Jim Wilson for making it possible for an old guy like me to have a lot more fun and exercise in my waning years. Thanks to Jim for the hard work and dedication to a sport that is the Rodney Dangerfield of sports and should for all intents and purposes have died long ago. Just to have the word pickle in the name is enough to send it packing. But add “DINK” to the mix and doom is just around the corner. What saves it is the friendships and camaraderie we all feel for each other.
There is just not enough genuine love and fellowship in the world today and when we find it we need to celebrate and share it with everyone we can. Sure the game is fun and even a bit of exercise. But the friendships I have made are without a doubt the best I have made in over 50 years of Racquetball, Golf and several other odd athletic endeavors of my rather sorted past. Now, Jim, has passed “The baton” onto a couple of very capable and equally dedicated workers for the game and I applaud them for there abilities and willingness to carry on. I am looking forward to another great year on the courts.
We all want to improve our game but my wish for us all in this great holiday season of Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Ayyam-I-Ha and others is Love and unity.
I am very thankful to you all for your friendship. It means more to me than the game of pickleball itself.
Peace and Pickle on,
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