Vance Remick
I used to think that there was little hope and now I have changed my mind. The lessons of life are clearly laid out in pickleball and if you follow them your game will improve drastically.
Pickleball teaches you patience and if you aren’t patient your game will suffer. Be patient and hit the right shot even if your opponent will be able to return it. You don’t need to hit a winner with every shot you hit. A well placed, well hit shot can often set you up for the next shot to be a put away. Wait for the right moment to strike and when you decide to hit it, hit it with gusto.
A recent statistic I learned said that once you initiate that first aggressive shot, it needs to be effective and if you don’t win the point on that shot there’s only a 30 percent chance that you will win the point. Yes, that is a 70 percent chance you are going to lose the point. Just like in life you need to stay positive and when you make a decision, do it with gusto.
Finally, because we usually play doubles, you have to learn how to work with others–appreciating, cooperating and encouraging each other to make us all better. Maybe if we all learned these lessons and used them in our daily life pickleball could be the catalyst for changing the world.
Be patient, seize the moment and enjoy all your pickleball friends. You could be saving the world and improving your game at the same time.
Live long and pickle on my friends!
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