Vance Remick
Well the honeymoon is over and what seemed to be a quick romance and easy entry into the world of Pickelball has stalled. Are you wondering why you are regularly getting beaten by those you once thought were your equals on the court. Well I’ll let you in on a little secret, ” You are not as good as you thought you were, BUT the good news is that you could be”. This is a great sport and attracting lots of new players because it has a very quick learning curve which gets us all hooked. The problem with this is that because you can quickly compete and have fun when you first take up this game your friends and competitors will soon tire of there games with you and move on to better competition if you do not improve along with them.
Two key thoughts you need to ponder and commit to.
First that there is lots to learn about the game of pickle ball and I want to know and learn everything I can.
Second that I can learn, change and improve if I’m committed and willing work at it.
Ask any of the members of the Chapel Hill steering committee to look at your game and help you improve. That is what they have volunteered to do for you. Use them, there not around just to have there picture up on the wall.
So If you play this sport the same way you did when you first started and this is ok with you then don’t read any further.
This week work on paddle position. Stand in front of the mirror with your paddle up and in the ready positioned in the middle of your chest. Keep the face of the paddle square to the mirror and straight upright. Now move it from right to left up and down smoothly as if the ball was coming at you on either side. Try to move the paddle quickly but keep it square to the net or mirror. Practice the quickest and smoothest way to move from one side to the other. Now when you play again get to the net as quick as you can, use this new skill and let me know if it helps.
By the way I suggest you practice this when your spouse is gone, my wife caught me in this act and still questions my explanation of what I was doing in there.
So play on, life is short and don’t miss your shot.
Play well, Vance
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